Surf Checks and Cams | Surf Forecasts | WAMs | Weather | Search | Home
The surf forecast portal site for European and UK surf forecasts.
I am in the process of overhauling all pages and links, so while some things may not work right now it is getting better.
Before you take a sickie and head for the beach check to see that there is going to be some surf when you get there. Here are all the links that are useful for surf checks and forecasting for Europe.
Use the graphic to link to European information, the adjacent text links are to the site's home page. The full pictures usually cover Europe, the Atlantic or the globe, not just the UK as shown in the thumbnails.Forecasts | Descriptive forecasts. |
Surf Checks & Cams | Surf reports, wave buoys, web cams and daily photos of the surf. |
WAMs | Wave and wind models |
Weather | Synoptic weather charts and coastal weather forecasts and reports. |
If you can't make head or tail of the information here, or you are going to be away from your .net connection then you probably need to get dialling... Here is a list of UK Surf forecast and report lines.
If I have missed any that you think are really good or
if there is info that you would like to find then please
me and I will find and add the links.
If you wish to know more about any of the above sites or information, or want to share your experience of what works and what doesn't with other users then please join in the discussions A1 Surf and alt.surfing.